Xeomin, the Other Neurotoxin

BOTOX® and XEOMIN®If supposed seers such as Nostradamus knew so much how come they never predicted using potentially lethal bacteria to stop muscles from contracting so that wrinkles don’t form?

Shows what they knew!

Today, millions of people the world over have used injectables called neuromodulators to tame wrinkles on the upper third of their faces. The most popular or famous of these injectables, of course, is Botox. But at Elite, we also offer Xeomin, another neurotoxin that is very similar to Botox but has one important difference.

Like Botox, Xeomin is made from the botulinum toxin type A. But, unlike Botox, Xeomin consists of nothing but the toxin; it has no additives. This can make it a better option for patients who have had a reaction to Botox.

What is Xeomin?

Xeomin works exactly like Botox, blocking the nerve messages from the muscle to the brain. Since the messages to a contract are blocked, Xeomin stops the muscle from contracting. The FDA originally approved Xeomin for two conditions — cervical dystonia (a painful condition where the neck muscles contract involuntarily causing the head to twist to one side) and blepharospasm (involuntary closure of the eyelids).

More recently, the FDA approved Xeomin for the same uses as Botox: frown lines, lines between the eyebrows, crow’s feet, and other forehead lines. Like Botox, Xeomin mostly does its work on the top third of the face, where most human expressions are formed.

What makes Xeomin different from Botox?

Like the difference between Crystal Lake and Love Canal, the difference between Botox and Xeomin is in their purity. Xeomin is made with nothing but the botulinum toxin type A. This has had some doctors give Xeomin the moniker of the “naked injectable.” Botox, in contrast, has some surface proteins added to the toxin. Some patients have a reaction to these proteins. Because Xeomin doesn’t have them, they don’t have the same reaction to it.

How long does Xeomin take to start working?

Botox and Xeomin are nearly identical in how long they take to shut down the muscles. Both take from five to seven days to fully take effect.

How long does Xeomin last?

Xeomin does its wrinkle-eliminating magic for three to six months. Different people absorb the now-inactive Xeomin at different rates, explaining the spread in the length of effectiveness. Once the body absorbs Xeomin, the wrinkles will start to form again, and it’s time for another session to maintain your results.

So, if you’ve ever had a reaction to Botox, maybe Xeomin could work for you. Call us at Elite, 616-459-1907, and let’s see.


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