If you’re a parent of a teenager or a college student, you may have found anecdotal evidence that this new generation has much different opinions on body hair than previous generations. You may have had your Spartan come home with a trimmer for his, uh, pubic area. You may have had a Wolverine come home talking of her need to go full Brazilian.
Since we do lots of laser hair removal here at Elite Plastic Surgery (maybe we’ll see one of your kids), let’s take a peek at some differences for today’s young adults, the famed millennials, and their views on body hair.
Hair and self-esteem
A recent study about hair removal in the U.S. found that out of 1,000 women surveyed, half admitted their body hair impacted their self-esteem.
This proved to be even truer for younger millennial women versus older millennials. In this group, 57 percent were worried about their hair versus 48 percent of their older generational counterparts.
What areas were most concerning?
So where are all of these young women born around the new century most concerned about their hair?
- Bikini line 72%
- Underarms 58%
- Legs 52%
One of the biggest problems cited in fighting this unwanted hair was with shaving. Of this method of removal, 56% of the millennials surveyed said it was too time consuming, while 44% said it was too irritating to their skin, and 72% hated the fact that it grew back so fast.
What would you give up to have no hair?
Of the 1,000 women in the hair removal survey, nearly half said they would give up coffee (48%) for a month if it meant they could be free of hair for one year. Does that sounds like some kind of deal with the Starbucks devil, or what?
What else would they give up to be hair free for a year?
- etflix 44%
- Sex 39%
- Social Media 38%
One common thread through the 1,000 women, regardless of ethnicity was this: Being completely hair free — excluding head, hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes — was almost universally the most desire, and possibly socially acceptable, look.
Sounds as if all 1,000 of these women need to give us a call at Elite. Stephanie Nussbaum is our resident laser hair removal expert and she will take care of those unwanted hairs for good. Call us at (616) 459-1907 to schedule an appointment or consultation.
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